Wednesday Small Groups

Join us on Wednesday nights during June and July for Small Groups! These groups are great opportunities to grow in community with others. Check out these groups: “The Person of the Holy Spirit”, “The Book of James,” and our Sermon-Based Small Groups that dive deeper into the current Sunday Sermon series! In addition, our Men’s Ministry and Hispanic Ministry will be meeting as well! Don’t miss out on the chance to GROW in Christ this summer!

Summer Small Groups Map

Wednesday Night Kids

Kids First Nursery  |  Newborn – Grade 1
Kids First Nursery
Every week, our Kids First nursery team of trusted, joy-filled, loving parents and volunteers teach our newborn through grade 1.

Kids First Wednesdays  | Grades 2 – 5
Kids First Auditorium
Wednesday nights for our 2nd through 5th grade boys and girls are both exciting AND impacting! With kid-friendly worship music time as well as age-specific small groups, we teach them how to apply Christian principles at both home and in school.

GR First Youth

GR First Youth

Grades 6-12 | Life Center

Grand Rapids First Youth is the thriving and growing Youth Ministry of Grand Rapids First and meets every Wednesday at 7 pm at the Life Center.  

Students will experience a fun, engaging, and energetic service. Each service includes creative and culturally relatable games, powerful worship, a practical message, and most importantly, connection moments for students to meet leaders and peers in small groups. We believe connecting students to other peers and leaders help them feel truly invested in the ministry and grow intentionally in their faith. Throughout the week, Grand Rapids First Youth has many engaging posts and videos on our social media platforms that keep kids connected and growing in their faith. We hope your student can join our family.