Our Tech department serves the ministries of Grand Rapids First through audio, visual, and lighting production.
The fast-paced ministry of live production is responsible for keeping the technical aspects of our services on track and creating an environment ripe for worship and teaching. Regardless of your experience, we’d love to find a spot for you on the team and give you a chance to grow in your abilities. If you’re interested in the field of live production and are interested in getting involved with the tech team, please fill out the interest form below.
Our camera operators are the front line of our live production team. With a keen eye and steady hand, they capture every moment of our services for the in-house screens and livestream broadcast. In the media booth, the director runs the show—calling for shots from the camera operators, cutting between angles, and meeting important slide and video cues.
Every announcement, verse, and major sermon point has slide support, making sure those visual aids are prepared and launch on cue is the duty of our ever-diligent graphics operator.
From a subtle spotlight during a vocal solo to a grand, sweeping light reveal, the lighting operator is integral to creating an atmosphere of powerful worship in our services.
Without clear and consistent sound, the message of our worship and sermons would fall flat. The audio engineers at the helm of the sound booth ensure a powerful and pleasant audio experience.