Check out some of the groups we offer below. We look forward to connecting you with one of our Pastors for more information.
- Conquer Series (pornography addiction)
- Financial Peace
- Grief Share
- Marriage Mentoring
- Mending the Soul (healing from abuse)
- Single and Parenting
- Unbound (spiritual freedom)
Join a Group
“If your life feels hindered by ongoing hurts, hang-ups, or bad habits, we’d love to have you join us at an Overcoming Group! You’ll be empowered to find lasting life change by applying God’s truth to your life, and you’ll make friendships with others walking the same journey as you. Regardless of your struggle, you’ll find a safe, encouraging, and confidential environment where you can move toward recovery and become the person you want to be. We look forward to seeing you there!”
Pastor Kerry Watts
Associate Pastor
Why is this happening to me?
Real people, real stories, real God.®
Stories of people like you experiencing life’s challenges.
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