Northpoint College

Your opportunity to grow – spiritually, academically, and relationally.

Northpoint College exists to create a cost-efficient, educationally and spiritually dynamic community where students are equipped to participate in the continuing work of Jesus through a rigorous curriculum of academic and theological studies, applied learning, and personal spiritual transformation.

The College seeks to make a demonstrably positive impact on the faith communities it serves by offering an educational experience consistent with the mission and evidenced by low graduate indebtedness, the quality and sustainability of graduates and the organizations of which they are a part, and the missional vitality of those same organizations.

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Needs Met, Prayers Answered, Lives Transformed

GoServe is a collaborative group of churches and Christian organizations working together to enable transformation in our state. This dynamic model allows us to connect with those in need by freely providing food, home goods, clothing, and other necessities retail organizations donate. We believe that if we can find a need and fill it, we can cultivate relationships and see lives transformed.

Churches and Christian organizations are uniquely positioned to know their community’s most significant needs. With the resources and products donated by local retail organizations and distributed by GoServe, they are able to share the love of Christ by meeting practical needs.

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A Legacy of Worship…

Studio33:3 is a state-of-the-art recording studio in Grand Rapids, Michigan, dedicated to developing and empowering the next generation of worship leaders. Inspired by Sarah J. Rijfkogel’s life and legacy, the studio provides a space for worship, music production, and connection with God. Studio33:3 exists to inspire creativity and collaboration among worship leaders worldwide.

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Real people, real stories, real God®

All of us will experience heartache and uncertainty sometime in our life. They are inevitable. One of the first questions that come to most people’s mind in a crisis is “Why is this happening?”

Why Is This Happening? was designed to be a safe place for you to rediscover hope and a new purpose for your life.

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